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Financial Services

Imagine receiving access to timely and accurate financial reports, along with a dedicated team to help you drive informed financial decisions about your school. Through collaboration, our experts can equip you with the reports vital to executing your fiduciary duty. In addition, our payroll platform provides charter schools with a sophisticated platform for accessing and managing payroll. By partnering with us, you can ensure your school is financially sound for the present and future.

How Can We Support Your School?


We'll review and assist with the financial procedures, working closely with you to ensure compliance with audit standards, state regulations, and tax requirements. Our collaborative approach aims to streamline your financial processes and help you maintain accurate records, ensuring all legal obligations are met efficiently.

Accountability and Support

We'll review, process and complete the financial procedures that you have initiated upon your approval. You establish the financial plan for the fiscal year - we help execute the plan. Our procedures are guided by the school's operating budget and ensure that schools stay in compliance with all rules and regulations.


We will proactively take the lead in understanding the financial goals of your board and administration. By initiating and completing all financial procedures with a consistent onsite presence, we ensure that your financial plans are effectively executed. Our team will carry out these plans upon school approval, guaranteeing full compliance with all relevant authorities.

What Our Partner Schools Say

"CSP has expertly lifted our workloads and helped us grow. The CSP finance team is attentive, reliable and consistent. The CSP HR team is astute, resourceful and prepared. Both teams have been extremely knowledgeable and efficient."
- Shannon M.

Partner With Us

We aim to form partnerships with our clients.

Connect with us to start collaborating. 

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